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You can hear the A Funk Starting April 18th, Tune On the Web at: Denver Vicinity: Breckenridge Vicinity: Laramie, WY Vicinity: |
2010 News Hello everyone, First of all, thanx for another successful year for A FUNK ABOVE THE REST radio show. You listeners and supporters are the reason this show has grown into a large audience! Look for more exciting things to happen in 2010! Below is a sample of the impact this show is having. It was listed as one of the the best things to happen in 2009. Check out item #7 2. President Obama - America's 1st Black President. 2009 News Nov 3 Well how is everyone? Thank you again so much for your support! 2009 has been a busy, progressive year for A Funk Above The Rest! We were featured on Channel 9 News in february, given an official endorsement by Motown-Universal Music Enterprises, Funky Town Grooves out of London England and The Arkiteks Music group sponsored by McDonalds for support and giveaway's of CDz/DVDz on the "live" broadcast. Due to our support of independent artists, I was picked to be a judge for the R&B portion of songs nominated in the "Independent Music Awards." www.independentmusicawards.com I have also been invited to attend The L.A.Music Awards Show Nov 12 as a guest of Aysha, who is gaining more and more attention on a major national and international level. We are proud to have exposed her to our faithful audience. www.myspace.com/ayshamusic The year 2010 will bring even more to the show. We will introduce a new segment called "funk it or junk it" as well as recognize "youths who make a difference" in our schools and communities! Yes, we are the show with a "local feel but international appeal!" Thank you so much for helping to make it all happen! U R truly appreciated! Skip Jan 28, 2009 A Funk Above The Rest Radio Network is a supporting partner of Motown's 50th Year Anniversary! We are proud to be affiliated with the most recognized Record Label in the WORLD! 2008 News Dec 29 2008 Hey,
Hi everybody, As of Dec 2008, I have been asked to be a guest interviewer for www.soulinterviews.com. This website is dedicated to the artists of soul music both major and independent, past and present. I am honored to be included as a part of their team! Check the site often an see whats going on... September 2008 Click Here to read an article on Skip from the September 2008 issue of Monitor This!
The award-winning show (Best of Westword 2008) "The 1ST School of Funk" continues its series at Jazz@Jacks every Tuesday night from 8-11pm. The program is hosted by KUVO radio personality Skip The Funktologist, whose music show "A Funk Above The Rest", can be heard Saturday nights from 11pm-1am right here on jazz89 KUVO (89.3FM). Due to the show's popularity, it is now syndicated on both terrestrial and internet stations in New York, Orlando, Los Angeles and Atlanta. The show certainly fills a void not heard on urban radio R&B programming. Stop by for a night of great music and dancing - with acts such as Soul School, Terry Black, Jameelah, and The James Douglass Show - to name a few! April 20 April 14, 2008 April 12, 2008 Westword's Best of 2008 Best Funk Night (2008)
KUVO Online Newsletter SPOTLIGHT ON:
Join Skip the
Funktologist (seen here with the man himself, George Clinton from P-Funk
and Parliment and CD the Doctor) every Saturday night for the best Funk
to throw down to and get your groove on! Skip also hosts "The 1st
School of Funk" every other Tuesday night and "Friday Night
Funk" on the first Friday of the month at Jazz @ Jacks on the 16th
Street Mall in the Denver Pavilions. When you stop in to his gigs at Jazz
@ Jacks, a portion of the proceeds benefits KUVO!
Tune in, and Funk on!
May 1
Music Buzz Presents: Funk Talk Theatre
May 2007 Issue
May 3
Film Crew:
For those of you here in the Denver area who plan on attending the "1st
School of Funk" show on tuesday May 8th, Jazz@Jacks will have a film
crew on hand shooting footage for their upcoming commercial. If you would
like to be in the commercial, be there by 7pm on the patio. For more information,
call 303-433-1000.
May 16
Bring the Funk!
Click to read an article from Westword!
June 1
Black Music Month Trubute from the Denver Urban Spectrum
Click to read Part 1
Click to read Part 2
Click to read Part 3
June 11
Skip The Funktologist
Emcee for the Terry Black CD Release Party!
Were Gonna Have A Funky Good Time!
June 24 - Doors Open at 6:00 p.m.
Click on the link above for details!
June 29
I will be shooting a series of commercial spots with Colours TV in support of "A Funk Above The Rest" Music Radio Show. The spots will be called, Colours TV Trivia Moment. The 1st 10 correct responses to our questions will received a free cd from our catalog of music, from independent artists! Look for the spots to air early in July.
September 27
Well, everyone,
Since our last news item, so much has happened. Once again, I want to express my sincere thanx and appreciation for those of you who support, KUVO Jazz Radio 89.3 and the music show, "A Funk Above The Rest"! Because of our strong interest in exposing Independent Artists, Colours TV has recognized that there is a tremendous void in giving these deserving artists a larger audience. So with their support, we have signed on to do a 1/2 hour program to be called, A Funk Above The Rest Presents: "The Independent Artist Showcase"! We hope to air our 1st show in late November. So please stay on the lookout for it on Dish Network Channel 9407. Time slot is yet to be determined.